Corporate lets
Employers: At last, how to take the pain out of renting

Employers: At last, how to take the pain out of renting
As an employer do you need help in finding rented property for your employees? Are some of your employees staying in expensive hotels?
If so we can provide a range of short, medium and long term accommodation and save both you and your employees time, money and stress.
We always have an extensive range of properties on our books; from studios, through to flats and houses of all shapes and sizes to meet the needs of all employees from new recruit to Board Director. These cover brand new houses and flats as well as older traditional properties in town, village and rural locations.
The availability of good accommodation can be a vital factor in recruiting and retaining staff
We’ve helped major companies from around the world settle their employees in West Lothian and we can do the same for yours.
Because both you and your employees have other things to do we offer an all inclusive service from initial enquiry to entry date, all to save time. As we are a local company with local staff we can help you with the all important inside knowledge on local schools, transport and other facilities so vital to setting up a home. Ask about our relocation service.
Don’t waste time on finding rented property for your staff. Let us do the hard work. Just put us in touch with your employees. We will take it from there. No fuss. No hassle. Solutions … not more problems for you and your staff.
We have by far the widest selection of rented flats and houses in West Lothian and as a result find properties for all sizes of firms in the area, from small businesses to household names.
If you have a number of staff to be accommodated, we will gladly come along to your offices or other suitable location and set up a “surgery” without commitment. There we talk to you or the staff direct, assessing their accommodation needs and making suggestions to be followed up at your pace.
If you or your employees want to purchase property rather than rent we can help here also.
Phone or email us to find out for yourself what we can offer to save your company and employees time and expense. We’ll take it from there.

Get in touch
Phone or email us to find out for yourself what we can offer to save your company and employees time and expense. We’ll take it from there.